Non Alcoholic / de-alcoholised wine.

Spain has been amongst the forerunners in the production of non-alcoholic wine. The earliest producers of non-alcoholic wine started about 15 years ago in Catalunia. It started with the need to reuce the alcohol content of wines that were being produced with too high an alcoholic content due to climatic changes (hoter and dryer). Several methods are used but the favbored method which we use is the spinning cone/molecular reconstruction. Follow the link to see how it works.

Our full range of non-alcoholic wines (red, white, rosé, sparkling white, sparkling rosé and sparkling blue) are made from specially selected wines from the finest Spanish wineries and then passed through the spinning cone process to produce what are probably the finest non-alcoholic wines in Spain. Any colours are entirely natural derived from the seeds and the skin of the grapes. No chemicals are used.

The de-alcoholised wines contain 0.0% alcohol.

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  • made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
    Red Alcohol Free Wine 0.0% made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
  • made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
    White Alcohol Free Wine 0.0% made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
  • made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
    Sparkling White Alcohol Free Wine 0.0% made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
  • made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
    Sparkling Rosé Alcohol Free Wine 0.0% made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
  • made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
    Sparkling Blue Alcohol Free Wine 0.0% made from the finest spanish wines and then carefully de-aloholised preserving qualities of the wine
  • Sparkling red grape juice
    OM UP ZERO Sparkling red grape juice